A liquid face lift can have different meanings. In our office, Dr. Valaie defines the liquid facelift as a non-invasive procedure which is tailored toward the cosmetic need of an individual. Dr. Valaie designs a plan carefully in order to provide the patient with a significantly more youthful, pleasant and refreshed look.
Reverse Aging is also part of the liquid face lift procedure by Dr. Valaie. While the liquid facelift typically lasts about a year, the goal is to repeat the smaller version every year with the expectation of reverse aging. This means, looking younger each year, despite an increase in age!!
Like every other procedure in our office, the liquid facelift comes with the guarantee of having a significant improvement.
At your consultation, Dr. Valaie will evaluate your face and your cosmetic concerns and needs. At that time, he will determine the details of your procedure.